都立英語マラソン '14 第44回

 二色のマーカーを準備してください。ひとつは主語用。ひとつは動詞用。全ての文の主語と動詞にマーカーをしながら読んでみてください。但し、命令文、呼びかけ、省略がある場合には二つともそろっていなくてもかまいません。there is 〜 の文は一種の倒置で、〜が主語です。

次の英文を( )の中の質問に心の中で答えながら読んでみましょう。高校生の順子(Junko)が学校生活で体験したことについて書いたものです。

 One day, I found some plastic bottles near the school gate and picked them up.(主語は何か、動詞は何か。and のあとに省略されている主語は何か。themは何を指すか。)Then, Ms. Sasaki, a teacher of our school, came to help me and said, "Why are these plastic bottles here? (主語と動詞は何か、誰が言ったのか?)If we collect clean plastic bottles, we can change them into useful things by recycling.(if節の中の主語と動詞はどれか?主節の中の主語と動詞はどれか?themは何を指すか)For example, some bags, pens, and jackets are made from plastic bottles.(受動態に気がつくか?)You are one of the student council members.(主語と動詞はどれか?)What do you think?"
That night, I talked with my family about plastic bottles.(主語はどれか?動詞とその時制は?)My mother said, "I use clean plastic bottles for vases." My brother said, "Some of my friends made a Christmas tree with plastic bottles.”(主語はどれか、動詞とその時制は?)Then I got an idea and said, "We should make a symbol of recycling with clean plastic bottles for the school festival.(saidの主語は?with はどう訳すか?)if we take them to the recycling plant after the fesatival,the student will understand the importance of the recycling." (themは何を指すか? 主節の主語と動詞は何か? )My father said, "Why don't you tell your idea to the student council?"
The next day, I talked with the other members about my idea.(the otherの意味は?)Chikako said, "It's a good idea. What shall we make?”(shallは何か)Keiko said, "How about making a plastic bottle arch?"(how about はどう訳すか?makeはなぜingになっているか?)Tatsuya said, "That's great, but we need a lot of plastic bottles. How can we collect them? (howはどう訳すか? them の指すものは何か?)We've never tried it before.” (時制は何か?)Hideki said, "If the students understand the purpose of making a plastic bottle arch, they will bring many plastic bottles."(if節の主語と動詞は何か?makeはなぜingになっているのか?theyは何を指すか?主節の動詞は何か?時制は?)We all agreed.(動詞は?時制は?)
 Our plastic bottle plan started.(主語と動詞は何か?)We learned a lot about recycling from Ms. Sasaki.(aboutはどう訳すか?)We made the recycling boxes for the plan and put them in all the classrooms.(putの主語は?時制は?themは何を指すか?)Hideki and I explained about the purpose of the plan in the student meeting,(主語は何か)Keiko and Chikako showed each class bags, pens, and jakets made from plastic bottles.(誰に、何をshowしたのか?made以下はどこにかかるか?)Tatsuya and the other members asked the students to put clean plastic bottles into the recycling boxes.(誰に何をしてもらうように頼んだのか?)We thought about what to do and worked together.(workの主語は?)So many students got interested in the plan and we collected many plastic bottles.(andは何と何を結ぶか。前半の主語と動詞は?後半の主語と動詞は?)
 The school festival came.(主語は何か?動詞は何か?)At the school gate, many people saw the beautiful plastic bottle arch.(主語は何か?動詞は何か?)They are impressed.(theyは何を指すか?)Ms.Sasaki looked up and said with a smile,"The plan is wonderful.(saidの主語は?)This arc is a symbol of recycling and your cooperation."(andは何と何とを結ぶか?)After festival, we took the plastic bottles to the recycling plant.
We finished the plan.The students have learned the importance of recycling through the plan and still put clean plastic bottles into the recycling boxes.(andの後ろに省略されている主語は何か?前半の文の時制は?後半の文の時制は?)We always feel glad to see that.(主語は何か?動詞は何か?)
 I've learned two important things from the plan. (動詞は何か?時制は?)It's important to change our view of things around us.(itの指すものは?)It's also important to share new ideas and work together.(andは何と何とを結ぶか?)I think these things will make our school life much better.(主節の主語と動詞は?thinkのあとに省略されているものは?名詞節の文型は?)
(2013 福島 改)




ア. They learned a lot about recycling from Junko's mother.
イ. They put the recycling boxes for the plan in each classroom.
ウ. They showed each class clean plastic bottles for vases.
エ.They asked the students to collect bags, pens, and jakets.

④test dayに電話をかけてチェックを受けてみよう。
